Internet Surfer: Getting Started
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Internet Message Format
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.arts.sf.announce:145 rec.arts.sf.misc:3668 news.answers:4630
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.announce,rec.arts.sf.misc,news.answers
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!xn.ll.mit.edu!ames!pacbell.com!tandem!UB.com!zorch!scott
From: phillips@syrinx.umd.edu
Subject: Rec.arts.sf groups, an introduction
Message-ID: <sf.post_722373886@syrinx.umd.edu>
Followup-To: rec.arts.sf.misc
Summary: Last modified Jul 6 1992
Sender: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Scott Hazen Mueller)
Supersedes: <sf.post_719638047@syrinx.umd.edu>
Reply-To: phillips@syrinx.umd.edu
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1992 04:35:19 GMT
Approved: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG
Expires: Tue, 22 Dec 1992 07:24:46 GMT
Lines: 132
Archive-name: sf-groups-intro
Send questions and updates or comments to: phillips@syrinx.umd.edu.
What is rec.arts.sf.*?
Rec.arts.sf.* (r.a.sf.*) is a set of newsgroups devoted to discussion
of SF, in its rather broad meaning of "speculative fiction", including
both science fiction and fantasy, as well as that vast blurred mass of
material in between (to steal a phrase from the call for votes that
caused the creation of these groups).
So what groups are there, anyway?
Here's a short, one-line-per-group listing of the groups:
rec.arts.sf.misc Replaces rec.arts.sf-lovers as the catch-all
rec.arts.sf.announce Announcements (moderated: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG)
rec.arts.sf.fandom Fannish activities, cons, etc.
rec.arts.sf.marketplace Personal for-sale notices
rec.arts.sf.movies SF movies that don't have their own groups
rec.arts.sf.reviews A renaming of rec.arts.sf-reviews. (Moderated.)
rec.arts.sf.science Science and theory related to sf
rec.arts.sf.starwars Star wars, books, movies, etc
rec.arts.sf.tv SF tv shows that don't have their own groups
rec.arts.sf.written Novels, stories, etc.
More specific information, please.
Some of those one-liners might not be very clear...which is why the
original charters of the groups are included here as well. They show
the intent of the people who advocated most strongly for them.
(Charters follow at end of article.)
Other newsgroups of interest to SF fans
For Dr. Who fans, there's a newsgroup specifically for discussions
about the movies, the show, and anything and everything related to Dr.
Who: rec.arts.drwho.
For Star Trek fans, there are several groups:
rec.arts.startrek.info. A distillation of news and information
about Star Trek, including synopses of new episodes, convention
reports, station airing times around the US and the world, and other
tidbits of factual information about Trek. Moderated: send submissions
to trek-info@dweeb.fx.com; questions or comments should be sent to
rec.arts.startrek.current, r.a.s.fandom, r.a.s.tech, and r.a.s.misc
were recently created. There is a monthly information posting in those
groups (and in news.answers, eventually) which describes all of r.a.startrek
in detail.
For Cyberpunk: alt.cyberpunk. There's also alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,
virtual reality via prose interaction.
Fandom has its own groups, as well: alt.fandom.cons and alt.fandom.misc.
For Pern fans, look in alt.fan.pern.
Other alt.fan.* groups: alt.fan.douglas-adam, alt.fan.pratchett,
alt.fan.eddings, alt.fan.piers-anthony, alt.fan.asprin
Charter: Group rec.arts.sf.misc will be the general-purpose
and spillover group for science fiction and fantasy
discussions that do not find a more specific subgroup
under rec.arts.sf.*, or that would otherwise require
wide crossposting among the other subgroups.
rec.arts.sf.announce (moderated, <scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG>)
Charter: (moderated) Announcements of happenings in the
SF world, such as cons, including calls for con
participation, readings, deaths, honors, new SF
mailing lists, periodic postings of rec.arts.sf
subgroup charters and other administrivia,
signings, TV specials, meetings, shop openings and
closings, etc. Not for personal or commercial ads.
Send submissions to: sf-announce@zorch.SF-Bay.org; questions to
the moderator address above.
Charter: Discussions of fannish activities; meant to provide
a new home for the SF-related part of the traffic
currently posted to alt.fandom.* and similar
postings current in rec.arts.sf-lovers.
Charter: A place for personal wanted-to-buy and for-sale ads
for SF related materials. Personal ads only;
commercial ads belong in comp.newprod or commercial
advertising channels, not elsewhere on USENet. Do
NOT crosspost ads; those looking to buy or sell SF
stuff will be reading this group and just annoyed
by ads mixed in elsewhere.
Charter: Discussions of all aspects of SF related movies not
otherwise covered in more specific groups (such as
the Star Trek group). Specifically includes
screenplays looking for producers, and discussions
of novelizations as compared to the movie base;
discussion of novelizations independent of the
related movie belong in .written.
rec.arts.sf.reviews (moderated)
Revies of SF books and movies. There are six moderators, total.
Send submissions to: sf-reviews@presto.ig.com.
Charter: A home for the spinoff discussion of real and
speculative science and sometimes about how the
laws of science could be used in creating new SF
Charter: A group for discussing general television SF, both
live acted and cartoons. Note that some tv shows,
(such as Dr. Who and Star Trek) have their own
specialized newsgroups as well.
Charter: A group for discussing the general SF which is seen
by its audience in written form, whether printed or
online. Note that many more specific groups in
rec.arts.sf.* exist to pull some traffic from this
group, but in general, this is where new releases
are discussed, informal reviews given, continuity
topics discussed, authors compared, and is the
starting point for many threads which should
eventually be moved to more appropriate groups.
(Please cooperate when the call is put forward to
move a discussion to a more specific group.)
Leanne Phillips
"Do not meddle with the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick
to anger." (I don't want to hear other versions. I've heard them all before.)
Words to live by: "Violence is the refuge of the incompetent."
(Yes, I know it isn't right; it's deliberate.)